Tips To Overcome A Break

Just broke up with your partner or your marriage? The time of initial pain is already passed but there is still confusion, emptiness and numerous contradictory feelings. Sentimental Shock, heartbreak, frustration, guilt ... All this will overcome with time and a positive attitude. Some simple tricks will help you appreciate the good thing about life without him or her.

The psychological preparation before the change is one of the first things you need to do if we sense that a break will occur. At the time of separation or breaking stage where the pain is larger, it is necessary to analyze the feelings. Stop self-blame or living in the memories.

After this the first phase, resentment and sorrow must begin to overcome. It's time to be more independent and see things more objectively. It's time to look for new ways to enjoy life and to recover to friends, to return to hobbies or new ones created. Restoring confidence in oneself is essential to meet this new challenge.

Five Attitudes To Help Overcome A Break

1. Think Positive: The stage just ended was bad, but your life has not ended. When the monotony is broken it can be a good time to undertake a series of projects that you always wanted to do. These do not have to be major changes, at least initially. At first, small daily changes which can help you get a taste for your new life.

2. Renew: Change your look and renew everything in your home that can bring you bad memories or negative vibrations. Otherwise, it may cause you to not reach the mental state necessary to turn around your life. But you should never try to forget all your previous relationship, the key is to overcome not forget. Neither is to romanticize the relationship and do not keep every detail or object that reminds you about the person you loved, as a relic. Haircut, go out and get the hair style you always wanted but never did. Try again to be handsome / sexy but without becoming something that is not you. Above all know that change is only for you and not for the opposite sex.

3. Find Support / Seek Help: Do not try to pass the ordeal all alone. Although it is not good to depend on anyone, the fact is that to face much change is good clinging to loved ones. It is appropriate to look at the friends you already had, caring relationships and find new support. If you have a very low mood, seek medical or psychological professional help. The foods cooked by mother, the support of your brothers, or coffee with a friend can be the solution.

4. Be Active : Stay active both physically and mentally. Exercising regularly will improve your mood and social status and continue going out with friends and family. Do not forget the intellectual sphere: keep your job, get involved in projects, read about topics that interest you. Subscribe to an NGO or a recreational association of separated or divorced can be a new way to build relationships, to feel useful and be active.

5. Give It Time / Allow Time: The process of mourning for late separation between 6 and 18 months, do not pretend that your case is different. Do not make major changes in your life suddenly. All should be small steps. Do things that you find enjoyable.

Write a list of things you’d like and try them regularly.

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