Tips To Maintain A Good Relationship

The word celibacy produces panic in most of us is that even though "being lady" no longer has the weight we had years ago with the generations of our great-grandmothers, many of us still longing (secretly or openly) found a man with whom we establish a lasting relationship and why not even a family. However, getting the "prince" is just the beginning of the hard work of maintaining a relationship between two human beings, whatever else they have in common are still quite different in many ways. If you're starting a new relationship or want to make sure that you endure, follow these simple tips to maintain a good relationship.

Time Together: This is an aspect that can reach far but is usually taken for granted, especially when couples take a time of relationship or marriage. No, sharing the same bed to sleep and the same chair to watch TV is not spending time together. It is essential that you get at least half an hour a day and one day a month where the two are only doing what they like as a couple.

Give and Take: Although there are times when your partner may need you more than you or her, in general if you want the relationship to work, you must create a balance between what you give and what you get.
Regardless Dependent: One of the most important keys to the success of your relationship is balance. If you're out there doing absolutely everything alone, without their opinion or request your help, you are sending a clear that you do not care to have your partner in your life. If on the other hand you do not give him (or yourself) breathing space, you are depleting the factor of independence of each one of you.

Communication: Communication is another very important element in a good relationship. Demonstrate gratefulness when he/she will listen and likewise listen carefully when he/she speaks to you. No need to know every detail of their lives, but give yourself the attention and interest they deserve in this area.

Orgasms: The sexual life is basically what divides a romantic relationship from a good friendship. Take the time to discover what makes you orgasm and show it as fast as you can. If you stay waiting for him to find out for him, you may lose the fun.

Laugh: Smile, in addition to countless benefits for your welfare, brings many positive aspects to your relationship. If instead of anger, you learn to take his nonsense with sense of humor, you'll be providing a peaceful environment relationship, and avoiding stress yourself for things that ultimately are not life or death. Remember also that nothing solves a tense moment as a smile.

Temper: Many Hispanic women were raised with the idea that the best way to deal with problems is to shut them up. However, we all know that when we do not say what we feel, that ends up being a cluster of resentments that are a time bomb waiting to explode.

Humans: Colombian child psychologist Monica taught me a simple tantra when it comes to human relationships: "I agree with all the good and the rest too." Each and every human being is imperfect which includes you, so learn to appreciate the wonderful things you and your partner have and do not concentrate on small defects both of you may have.

House and the children: Unless both have established that who shall work and who do you take charge of the children and the house (and very rare situation) is the responsibility of both keep your living space clean and take care of the children. If both go to the work, the minimum is that both share the housework and help each other in raising children.

Let him be: As women love to talk about everything, all the time, men do not. If you notice that he is serious, angry, thoughtful, let alone to solve their mental tangle. Rest assured that if you need to talk to him, you will know. Asked what happened a million times, and it only increases the level of tension.

Gender: If your sex life begins to decline think where will your relationship is going. Take time to be alone with your partner, be creative and be sure to keep a good sex life.

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