6 Unmistakable Signs That There Is Chemistry In A Couple

Habits to maintain or regain the passion without changing partners

If we define technically the chemistry of love, we are talking, says psychologist of all hormonal and neurotransmitter processes that are triggered when two people come into physical contact. "It's something very special and determines the compatibility in many senses (smell, touch, etc.), even in the reproductive" said the expert, who also reveals that chemistry is what makes the pleasure circuits are activated in the brain and want more and more.

However, the chemical has a hard component analysis, irrational and sometimes unscientific or with few rules or final instructions, as revealed by the Doctor. What we can confirm you the reason is if that does not happen, as a conscious process, and what it means for your relationship. But no one will ask if you want to be with your partner or not, "he says.

1. Contact is essential: The desire to 'touch' of 'skin' and not only sexual intent. "It's very healthy for among the cascade of hormones oxytocin is also called love hormone, which is absolutely essential for healthy ties are created. And they need the bond of skin and lots of physical contact," says the specialist and love psychologist.

2. Complement each other: For a relationship that you want to be durable and keep alive the passion necessary understand what you need to be loved and give you love. "Living in a way that is pleasing to both, of course, is obliged to apply the formula Being mutually couple is to be meaningful to the other, complement it.".

3. Perceive that love is reciprocated: The psychologist also explains that to keep love alive the partner should be, above all, reciprocated. To tell the beloved that he is important to us, simply combines imagination with the wow factor.

4. Showing positive: To maintain a healthy relationship the partner has to essentially decrease negativity. For this it is necessary to avoid blame, defensiveness, contempt, and stonewalling. The blame has to do with criticism about the character and personality of the couple, "Rather than to blame how effective is they need to find solutions,". As for the defensive, it is also a way to blame the other and only exacerbates the conflict. Contempt is one of the most toxic behaviors to the relationship. The expert says "sarcasm and skepticism are forms of contempt. Just as insult, ridicule, snorting or hostile humor." Finally, an elusive person tends to act like he did not care what the other says, as if not to hear, which is very bad for a healthy relationship.

5. Attract, is seeking:  The desire or feeling desired by your partner is very healthy and is a good barometer of the health of the relationship. "When that chemical disappears soon there will be a fall into relationships that could be more than couple But we can activate our physical appeal. We Must be very careful, know what your partner likes it or not (and that goes for both sexes ) or occasionally surprise. We decide when to be in the heat of the coals, or when the fire is with a good flame, "says the expert.

6. Revive and maintain the passion: "The passion disappears because they stop doing the things that nourish and not vice versa. If you want to feel passion, you have to do what produces passion. If you stop doing the things of love, stop feeling love in the same way that if you stop smiling, you stop feeling happy."

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