for an individual pastime
It seems to contradict the previous but it’s an advice. Having an interest
outside the couple or children helps build character and self-esteem and make
new friends. An activity will make you more interesting and will give you to
talk with your partner, rather than only on children or your economic situation.
7-Tell high and clear
Paradoxically, in this era of global communication you are unable to
communicate with your partner. And when they do, it is only to convey
negatives. Try to start your conversations focusing on the positive, even if
you have criticisms to make. There is nothing worse for self-esteem to endure
someone very insistent (women!) Or very picky (men!). Your recriminations sound
better if expressed or suggestions, so try to improve your communication skills
when talking with your partner.
8- Rekindle the flame
Your sex life has become somewhat boring. Do not worry, it is relatively easy
to fix. Most relationships go through the period of sexual drought. The
important thing is to not let you drag. You must tune with your partner and then
use your imagination. We all know the clichés: men like to be excited and women
who seduce. To win back, buy a set of sexy lingerie and surprise when you least
expect it; to capture her attention, give a sensual massage that will awaken
gradually desire.
With computers, cell phones, video games and television, we could spend our
lives plugged into the virtual world; and this is a real problem for many
couples. Social networks are supposed to get in touch with people, so it sounds
contradictory preferring virtual relationships to the flesh. Real people,
including your partner is much more interesting and also real! This should at
least ensure good sex session.
10-Enjoy each other's company
Being together should be fun. Your partner is your lover and your best friend
all in one. So take unto you the time to have fun together, either a drink
together, a game of Scrabble or giving them a bath. Rediscover those little
moments of happiness and you'll have a very Happy Life!