out these ten good intentions and soak up the joy it brings the new year.
1- Pass Time Together, Alone
It is not easy as it looks, especially if you have children; but intimacy is essential for young parents harassed by breeding, your parents, neighbors, kangaroo, with anyone! Then go away for dinner at a romantic restaurant, a walk in the park or just inside behind closed doors in the room! Seek an activity that is important for both do together.
2- Bear One Another
It's easy to get lost in the rituals themselves, and the dynamics of "who does what" at home can become a source of conflict. Okay, she should wash the dishes every night, but you could do it from time to time if she looks very tired. And, yes, she always irons, but this week she has a very important meeting, so you could surprise her with a good pile of clothes ironed when you get home. Love is both to give and receive.
3- Do Not Forget To Thank1- Pass Time Together, Alone
It is not easy as it looks, especially if you have children; but intimacy is essential for young parents harassed by breeding, your parents, neighbors, kangaroo, with anyone! Then go away for dinner at a romantic restaurant, a walk in the park or just inside behind closed doors in the room! Seek an activity that is important for both do together.
2- Bear One Another
It's easy to get lost in the rituals themselves, and the dynamics of "who does what" at home can become a source of conflict. Okay, she should wash the dishes every night, but you could do it from time to time if she looks very tired. And, yes, she always irons, but this week she has a very important meeting, so you could surprise her with a good pile of clothes ironed when you get home. Love is both to give and receive.
There is a formula of education but take a few minutes to tell your partner how much you care and remind her that she is sexy, smart and beautiful. In the everyday life it is easy to take our partner for granted. Taking a few minutes to rediscover what we really love him or her and tell aloud is a balm for the heart.
4- Stop Pointing To Perfection
Often couples suffer when one of its members struggle for individual perfection. Men feel the need to be perfect at work, in bed, with children; women feel they must be perfect as mothers, cooks, decorators and also be beautiful all the time. Try to see yourself as your partner does and not through the dictates of magazines. People in real life have fewer expectations on the other and compromise on some aspects will let each more time and space.
5- Seek A Hobby In Common
In these times, it is important that you have shared interests besides the house and children. If you both love football, you can buy season tickets and swell together for your team. If you prefer opera, take advantage to dress elegantly once a month. Get involved in any fun activity you do together, whether cultural, sporting or entertainment.