Historically it has been thought that women have a sixth
sense and can smell or very easily tell if a man is desperate. While this
scientifically proven that the smell of each person plays an important role in
seduction, is not yet known exactly what that role, and how important it is.
What is certain is that often when men are attracted to a woman usually do
silly to get their attention, from where you can easily tell if a man is
desperate to win that woman.
A study shows that
women can smell desperation.
A 2009 study on sweat in men, confirming the suspicions of
all men: they can tell if a man is desperate. The experiment was conducted with
20 heterosexual male volunteers, which were placed some absorbent pads under
the armpits while watching an erotic film for 20 minutes. This process is then
repeated but this time the volunteers looked for 20 minutes a film of neutral
19 heterosexual women were then randomly chosen for cloths
smelled the three men "hottest" were for the erotic film. Addition
was made to smell other women impregnated wipes and and rostenedione, a hormone
produced naturally in sweat that some believe is a sex pheromone, and other
cloths with neutral odor.
The cloths were presented in random order and women were
asked if they could qualify odor intensity and level of satisfaction that
produced them. While women smelled and qualified clothes, scientists monitored
their brain activity.
All women, except 2, denied having smelled some kind of
sweat or something human. However, when analyzing the images from brain studies
of women scientists took a big surprise. When women cloths smelled the sweat of
the most excited men who watched the erotic film two areas of the brain were
activated and produced a lot of activity. Scientists do not yet know why this
female reaction to male odor, but what is clear is that women unconsciously
realized who the most desperate men were.
Smelling the Online
Every day more and more people decide for online dating
because it is easier than in real life. The problem is that often despair in
real life moves to internet. This is really frustrating because after a few
months that we are on the search for love on the web we wonder why we do not
find anything. The answer is easy: desperation or need cannot smell anywhere.
Some of the most
common mistakes people often make desperate people on the internet are:
Placing personal
information such as phone, email or facebook account profile
Send generic
messages to multiple users
Writing things
too romantic profile
Putting photos
cools too much or too provocative
Send personal
data (email, phone, msn) in the first personal message
If you do not want people to think you're desperate then do
not make these mistakes beginners and see how the popularity of your internet
profile increases with time. Internet dating is usually easier than in real
life, but this should do well.