How to Survive a Long Distance Relationship?

Surviving a long distance relationship is not easy. Especially when we used to live with our partner and it's time to separate. This is the first relevant differentiation: first, there are relationships that already started in the distance. For example, couples who met through internet and live in different places. In this case, the distance is routine, it had at the time of starting the relationship and are willing to try to make the relationship work by all means.

Distance Relationship

Moreover, for those couples who have always lived in nearby places or even lived for months or years, representing a geographical separation distance relationship can translate a traumatic event. Goodbyes at the airport that break our hearts, phone calls we know little, E-Mails that make us mourn ... However, it is possible to survive a long distance relationship. These situations described above usually belong to the first phase of distance relationship, i.e. the weeks after our spouse has moved.

A Spanish proverb says ‘The time heals everything’. We do not agree that to happen, but we corroborate its validity with a twist: time does not cure everything, but it can help. More, today, in a world of technological advances that allows us to be reported almost 24 hours. For couples who face a long distance relationship, here are some tips:

- The phone in moderation: the costs of the bill calls and messages could well be spent on a plane ticket to visit your partner and see you in person. However, the means to communicate online. In an e-mail you can say much more than an SMS and Skype allows us to not only talk but also see each other while we have the routine of the day.

- Respect hours for these video calls. Do not expect your partner in a long distance relationship, to answer an email within 15 minutes. But it is desirable not make plans if you have been to talk to your partner one night. Being so far, feelings are magnified and may be offended if your call canceled at the last moment.

- A return flight or a visit. That is, it is important to have a date on the horizon for the reunion, even for a vacation or a few days. That perspective, to cross off days on the calendar helps us better carry distance relationship, since it involves a real motivation to not get discouraged.

- Commitments. In the case of unmarried couples, maybe it's time to take a step further. It is not necessary that you organize one express wedding, but it is convenient to consider whether wish to pledge. If you are not sure, you can help a small gift exchange, symbolic (ex. a ring or a bracelet to relocate the stalls and always remind us that there is a person who loves us, however far he /she is)

- A return date. It is not always possible, but a distance relationship helps us to know that separation will only be temporary. A few months or a few years, does not matter, what matters is knowing that it is a temporary situation and it's time to get back together.

Finally, remember that you are neither the first nor the last that you live and you survive a long distance relationship. Try to be practical, for there is much greater problems and at the end of the day, what matters is your love can count on you, even if you are away. Also, if your relationship survives the distance, you can be sure that there is nothing that can separate you.

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