5 Tips to Overcome a Blind Date

Have you ever wondered how to flirt in a blind date and succeed? More and more people try to rely on this method, but there is always a fear of being with people who you do not know or fear of not meeting the expectations we expect from them.Here we give 5 tips on how to get an appointment to perfect blind dating and not die trying.

1. Do Not Lie and Be Positive

Before meeting face-to-face the person must not lie about appearance, taste, work ... because at the end who gets hurt is yourself. To be honest to the other person it will create a real bond and demonstrate interest. Yes, always talking about ourselves we must emphasize positive things for which we believe the rest may feel interested. No one knows you better than yourself, who can be better to highlight your strengths?

2. Clothing and Hygiene

First impressions are very important, so we must strive to be stylish while being comfortable. The costumes and evening galas are greatly exaggerated, but the tracksuit is always a bad choice. For this it is advisable to rely on products that solve the problems of self-esteem and help to flirt, like perfumes and accessories. Check out a perfume range that has a positive incentive for dating which contains fragrances for both men and women.

3. Goodbye Nervousness! It's just a Date

It is normal that in such a situation nervousness increases, but we must try to be as relaxed as far as possible, because if the other person knows or feels that you are being a nervous wreck, it will probably not succeed. Think that surely the other person will also be nervous. To avoid this always be well prepared in advance about the possible topics of conversation, so likely you will avoid uncomfortable silences.

4. Beware of Alcohol

It is true that alcohol helps disinhibition but it is also true that it contributes to lose your composure. Alcohol in large quantities is a mistake also it is not the best way to know in depth a person. Enjoy a glass of wine, but not the whole bottle.

5. Do not Make Quick Value Judgments

Do not fall into the spiral of a preconceived idea of what the other person is on the first date. There are fascinating things to surprise that person. Savor the blind date at all times, give it your best, enjoy and laugh, and if you decide to meet again, only you both know the best where you want to go.

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